Macromolecular Structures and Assemblies
With cryo-ET we can obtain the 3D reconstruction of objects that exist as unique copies, either in isolation or within cells. In many cases, however, the questions we are interested in require a higher and more isotropic resolution. In these cases we can average a set of structures obtained by cryo-ET, in isolation or within intact cells, and also solve the structure of the isolated complex at higher resolution by single particle methods. RNPs, bacteriophages, and complex RNA systems are examples of problems that we should tackle with a combination of techniques.
Comolli, L.R., Shin, S-H., Tscheliessnig, R. Wang, C., Nam, K. T.,
Chung, S., Hexemer, A., Siegerist, C. E., De Yoreo, J., Bertozzi, C.
(2013). Self-Assembly of "S-Bilayers", a Step Toward Expanding the
Dimensionality of S-Layer Assemblies.
ACS Nano, 7(6):4946-53. Featured as June 2013 Journal Cover. doi:10.1021/nn400263j
Comolli, L.R., Shin, S-H., Siegerist, C. E., Regan, W., Zettl, A.,
Bertozzi, C., and De Yoreo, J. (2013). Conformational transitions at
an S-layer growing boundary resolved by cryo-TEM. Angew.
Chem. Int. Ed. Engl., 52, 4829-32. Featured as May 2013 Inside Journal Cover. doi:10.1002/anie.201302596.
Shin, S-H., Chung, S., Sanii, B., Comolli, L. R., Bertozzi, C. R., and De Yoreo, J. J. (2012). Direct observation of kinetic traps associated with structural transformations leading to multiple pathways of S-layer assembly. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 109(32), 12968-73, doi:10.1073/pnas.1201504109.
Luis R Comolli, Andrew J Spakowitz, Cristina E Siegerist, Paul J Jardine, Shelley Grimes, Dwight L Anderson, Carlos Bustamante and Kenneth H Downing (2007)
Architecture of the
bacteriophage Φ29 packaged genome and elucidation of its packaging
process. Virology, 371 (2), 267-277. doi:10.1016/j.virol.2007.07.035
O.S., Deindl, S., Comolli, L.R., Hoelz, A., Downing, K.H., Nairm, A.,
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Domain and the holoenyzme of Ca2+/CaM Kinase II. FEBS
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cover. doi:10.1111/j.1742-4658.2005.05088.x
- Jang, S.B., Jeong,
M.S., Carter, R.J., Holbrook, E.L., Comolli, L.R., and Stephen R.
Holbrook (2006) Novel Crystal Form of the ColE1 Rom Protein. Acta
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Comolli, L. R., Smirnov, I., Xu, L., Blackburn, E. H., and James, T.
L. (2002) A molecular switch underlies a human telomerase disease.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Vol. 99 (26), 16998-17003. doi:10.1073/pnas.262663599
- Comolli, L. R.,
Ulyanov, N. B., Soto, A. M., Marky, L. A., James, T. L., and Gmeiner,
W. H. (2002) NMR structure of the 3' stem-loop from human U4 snRNA.Nucleic. Acids Research, Vol 30, No. 20: 4371-4379. doi:10.1093/nar/gkf560